At the height of the exam period, children need a safe and quiet space to work on their revision, completing mock exam papers and timing themselves to complete mock exams on the clock. Look into the perfect study space set up that allows your child to work with complete focus with these top tips from an independent prep school in London.
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Invest in ergonomic furniture for the perfect study space
Having good posture and protecting it will help keep their muscles and bones strong and not cause them to shrink. Look into a good computer chair that will last a long time to help support your child’s back and shoulders. Keyboards and mice can also be ergonomic. Choose the right equipment to help your child work comfortably in their new study space.

Remove all distractions from the study space
Getting the work done means focusing on what’s in front of you and not what could make your child procrastinate and lose focus. Their study space should be quiet and free from ways that could make your child move to other things. Like playing on their phone or using the TV as background noise. Silence, or with music, are ways people tend to focus when they’re in a quiet space in order to get the work done on time.
Provide a good set of materials for them to use
A lot of motivation for kids can just be having all of the right equipment in front of them when they’re ready to start. Have a pencil case full of writing tools, any maths equipment they might need (like protractors or a metal compass) and plenty of notebooks and paper to get them started.
Give your children the right study space to use and they’re more likely to put work into their exams. They’ll then feel the benefits of working hard to achieve greatness.

Featured Image by Kris from Pixabay
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