One question parents will be asking is when their child can head to childcare and mingle with other children their age. There’s never really a right or wrong answer to deciding when is the best time is, but there are some key pointers to refer to when deciding when is the right time and is your child ready for nursery.
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This nursery in North London has some advice to ask yourself when it comes to considering a nursery for your child.
Are they able to handle things on their own?
A lot of the issues relate to a child’s ability to cope without their parents around. Are they able to be left to their own devices for a period of time? Does your child become stressed when they’re not within eyesight of their parents? For the most part these elements can be managed over time as your child grows up, but if they can handle a lot of things by themselves then it indicates they are ready for nursery school.
Do they enjoy group activities like they would do at nursery?
Nursery is full of group work to get kids engaged in what they love. From arts and crafts, board games, playing interactive games and singing and dancing. All of these skills and more require your child to work in teams to resolve problems, have fun, make friends and socialise in many different ways.
Can your child manage basic self care needs?
Your child is going to be away from you for a few hours, so they’ll need to be able to manage a certain level of self care without your support. Can they eat food without assistance, and be able to grab a drink and hold it properly? Can your child sit quietly in their chair following the teacher’s directions? If you feel your child needs a slight push, the nursery can help with this as they follow other children their age.
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